Thursday 18 October 2012

Requesting Permission from the Local Primary School

This is the letter I sent to the head teacher from the local primary school, asking if some of the children could participate in the music video.  

Monday 15th October 2012

Dear Mrs ________

My name is Amber Brunt and I am an A2 Media Studies student at Thomas Adams college in Wem. I am writing to request your permission to ask if some of your pupilsaged 8-11, are willing to participate in a music video that I am filming for my media studies. I would need a small group of 6 to 8 pupils. I apologise about the short notice but filming is planned to take place in and around Nesscliffe park and Hill on Monday 22nd of October.

If any pupils are willing to take part in the filming I can collect them from the school at 9:15am and take them to the park, with a member of your staff to accompany me. The video will purely be used for my media studies only, and the children's faces would not actually be seen because they would be wearing pillowcases on their heads and their faces will be pixelated once these are removed. If any parents wish to have more information on my proposed plans and video content they can contact me on my email address: ________ In addition they can see examples of my work at my blog:

This would a fantastic opportunity for pupils who are interested  in seeing  how music videos are put together and produced. I would also be willing to come in and show the end product to  the school and discuss my experiences so far in the media course I am doing.

I look forward to hearing from you,

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