Monday 30 July 2012

Split Screen Experiment

This is a split screen experiment we did in preparation for creating ideas for a music video, however due to problems with the tripod it did not work to the best effect. 

Friday 20 July 2012

Overcranking Experiment

For this experiment we slowed the footage down in editing whilst keeping the singing and playing in sync with the music. This was done by doing the action at twice the normal speed and singing/playing in time with this. It proved to be an interesting effect that I might be able to use in a possible music video idea. 

Sunday 1 July 2012

Music Video Analysis

Music Video Analysis

L'enfant Sauvage

This is French metal band Gojira's music video for their latest single, 'L'enfant Sauvage'. 
The entire video is shot in black and white, creating a more artistic style to the video.
0:00-0:28 consists of quickly and jaggedly cut shots of simplistic scenery and various types of lighting, creating an interesting depth of field. 
The video almost appears to be filmed in almost a stop motion animation style, with silhouettes and smokey effects displayed across the frame. Jolting cuts are also used to the beat to correlate to the genre conventions of a heavy metal music video. 
However this is an unusual video in the fact it does not contain any performance from the band, but it also does not contain a specific narrative. Instead it consists of thought provoking shots of various artistic scenes and scenery. 


This is the music video for melodic black metal band Dimmu Borgir's 2010 single 'Gateways'. In comparison to Gojira's music video, this video uses band performance throughout the clip. However they do also have metaphorical, artistic shots that seem irrelevant to the rest of the video. They use a clear colour and filter scheme, keeping the whole video consistent and giving it a dark, heavy metal feel. This combined with slow motion shots of unusual/gory shots keeps this music video within the conventions of modern day heavy metal videos and gives it a cinematic and artistic feel. 

Holy Diver

This is the music video for the metal song 'Holy Diver' by the late Ronnie James Dio. It involves narrative about battles and close ups of swords and fire. Green screen is used to create the effect of the vocalist standing in front of a fire and lava whilst lip syncing to the lyrics. Although there are no band performances during this video, the themes of war and violence suit the genre and fit the conventions of a heavy metal music video.